Coyote Buttes North is the ultimate in outdoor adventure. Unfortunately, the vast majority of permit holders simply go to The Wave and back, missing out on so many other stunning formations. It cannot be overstated how special the entire regions is, and with this possibly being a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we hope you take time to really explore and see all there is to see. We recommend taking a guide, like the award-winning Lake Powell Scenic Tours, to ensure that you see places like the following:
We believe that every traveler deserves an exceptional experience. For many, winning the Wave lottery is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure that our tours are informative, engaging, and fun, allowing you to maximize this incredible opportunity.
With Lake Powell Scenic Tours, you will get:
Experience the highlights of The Wave Arizona with our expert guides. From famous landmarks to hidden gems, this tour is the perfect way to experience The Wave!